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The Placard

Multi Moonlights Readings

It  is Imphal,  the  small, but  the  largest   producer  crime  city.  But  an universality   displays  the golden  acts  here:  The  old  woman  comes usually  holding  the  placard  on  which  writes some  words: “Give  me  my husband  and  son."

Everybody  can  read it  easily  but  tends  to  naturally  thinking  something  universal.
She  is  illiterate, modesty  and  absent  minded  one  of  eighty.

Today  is  Sunday  of  October, 2015.  I  remember  her  earlier  events.  Her  story  includes crimes; but  actually it is  a  rare  story  of  a  kind  or  different  peace  maker.  Her  madness  due  to the  endless  inner growing  of a  pure  love  became  the  actress  of  such  golden  acts. It impacts  the society  or viewers  to  change  something  day  by  day  naturally  and  to  increase new  thinkers:  From  the  supernal  thoughts  the  streams  run  down  to  fertile  the  land  of peace.

Thirty  five  years  ago:
It  was  10  a.m.  of  Sunday.  At  just  front  the  of  the  hospital  gate,  a  security  person  was   shot down. Someone  cried  loudly  looking  at  the  young  man  who  was  escaping  by  driving  a  bike. The  crowd  gathered to  the  spot  and  carried  him  in  to  the  hospital.

In  the  mean  time  a  group  of  security  reinforced  with  A K -47  rifles  arrived  there.  Eleven persons  including the  father  and  son  who  found  nearby  the gate  were  forced  at  gun power. Then  they  were  kept  standing  at  the  same  spot   by  the order  of the  Captain.  The  other surrounding peoples  were  driven  away.

A  discipline  was  on  that  the  anger  securities  were  drilling  and  targeting  their  rifles  at  the trembling innocent peoples.

The  Captain  was  walking  ghostly  to  and  fro,  looked  recently  at  the  hospital. He  was disturbed by  a ring tone  and  the  successive  words  “Hello  Lucy, Lucy”

“SHUT UP,  switch  off  the  mobile phone,  HEY YOU”  cried,  the  Captain  loudly.  The  father  was  startled  and  kept  the switch off.
A  rifleman  came  out  and  said  to  the  Captain  “Sir, we can' ..he has died”

The  wind  of  Sensing  Danger  blew  their  hairs  sporadically. No  one  could  speak  a  word.  It was  quite  silent.

With  trembling  and  weeping  the  father  said  to  the  Ghost,  “Sir,  please  don’t  do  that,  we  are innocent people  and  I  came  with  my  son  to  this  hospital  for  treating  my  health.”
The  fifteen  years  old  son  too wept,  requested  “please  don’t  shoot  us,  uncle,  my  mother  will be  alone  madly."

But  they  were  shot  down  one  by  one  next  by  next.

The  Captain  declared,  “This  is  our  duty.”

After  a  while  the  relatives,  family  members  and  the  crowds  from  different  sectors  gathered at the  morgue.  They  cried  and  wept  helplessly.  They  didn’t  take  the  dead  bodies.  Lucy didn’t weep  or  speak, kept  the  eyes  nervously  towards  the  dreamily appearances  of  her  husband  and son.
Immediately  a  great  Join  Action  Committee  (JAC)  was  set  up  for  the  favor  of  the  affected families.

In  the  afternoon  the  women  market  was  broken  up.  And  they  joined  to  the  rally  led  by the  JAC  And different  peoples too  joined  them.  All  stores,  hotels,  cinema  halls  and  other markets  were  closed  already.  A  big  mass  rally  came by holding  different  placards  written : “don’t  kill  innocent  peoples  behind  the Arms’  Law”,  “Punish  the  killers”,  “it  is democracy  country”

They  shouted  angrily  and  loudly  using  the  same  words.  The  long  procession  went  on the different sectors  of  the  city.  Then  they  came  on  the  street  along  the  direction  of  the Chief  Minister’s  residence.

A  great  force  of  police  had  already  blockade  the  street.  But  they  impacted  the obstruction.  The police team  tried  to  keep  the  resistance.  But  the  pressure  of  the  mass increased  never  ending.

The  police  personals  began  use  stick  charges.  A great  fight  took  place  between  the  police personals  and the  civilians.

Police had to retreat or change action plans.

Then  the  police  shot  numerous  blank  fires  and  tear  gases  endlessly.  The  peoples  were scattered  at  far and  at  different  directions.

The peoples had to change agitation plans.

They went, spread on varied roads and streets.

They  began  burnt  fire  woods  and  Tyre  at  middles  of  the  city  streets.  The smokes  were arising  in  the sky  of  the  city.

The  Curfew  was  pulled  down  by  the  DC  for  the  city  only.  Everybody  returned  to  their homes.  After  a while  no  one  could  be  noticed  in  the  streets.  All  remained  at  silent.

It  was  the  evening,  7 p.m.  of  the  3rd  day  of  the  curfew.  The  vehicles  of  security  were driving  on  the streets  of  the  city.  As  the  moon  ascending  in  the  sky,  a  long procession  of torches  was  breaking  up  the  curfew.

The  security  persons  were  made  a  quite  confused.  They  couldn’t  do  anything.

Some  women  were  holding  placards.  Lucy  was  striding  with  the  placard  written  the words  “Give me my husband  and  son.”
The  silent  procession  went  on  lightening  around the  city.

The  DC  arrived  and  soon,  guided  the  torches  towards  the  residence  of  the  Chief Minister.

The  JAC,  important  family  members  and  the  DC  only  had  to  enter  the  gate.

The  great  meeting  was  performed  in  the  residence  of  the  Chief  Minister.
After  a  long  discussion  the  agreement  came  except  the  matter  of  Lucy.

The  Chief  Minister  had  to promise : “I  am  very  happy  that  we  can  bring  a  nice agreement at final. Everything is  right  except  Lucy.  We  will  take  up  a  judicial inquiry  at  the  earliest.  One job  and ten lac ( INA rupee) would  be  offered  to  the  family  of  each  death  person.  And  our Govt.  will  pass  surely  a new  bill  to  set  up  a  special  training  center  for  security  personals  to train  and  learn  how  to  treat  peoples.”

One JAC  member  said,  “Thank  you  Sir  and  I  request  you  for  about  Mrs.  Lucy…”
He  said,  “I understand  all.  Look, Mrs. Lucy,  please  retreat  or  change  your  demand  because  we are  not  God. Believe  me  I  will  punish  the  killer.”

Lucy  replied  “Forgive  me  Sir.  I  don’t  know  it.  I  can’t  remember  the  world; I  remember  my small  world, my  family.  Give  me  my  husband  and  son. That, is an natural expression, not dependence of goal, my only wish unto death, left by them.  I  don’t  like  the  ex-gratia”

Everybody  dumbfounded to  hear  her words.

The  meeting  was  broken  up.  The  curfew  was  no  more.
On  the  next  day  the  dead  bodies  were  taken  from  the  morgue.  The  religious  ceremonies  of the  deceased persons  were  performed  well.  The  city  became  peaceful.

One  day,  a  press  team  was  meeting  Lucy.  The  reporter  asked  her  many  question.

Reporter:              Mrs.  Lucy  let  me  ask  some  questions?
       Lucy:               Yes.
Reporter:              Thank  you  very  much. Mrs. Lucy  what  is  you  demanding  to  the  govt.  for about  the  death of  your  beloved  husband  and  son?
       Lucy:               “Give  me  my  husband  and  son”
 Reporter:             why?
       Lucy:               I  am  alone  now,  I  remember  them  always.  They  left  love  only  for me.  I  show  the  love
Reporter:              Do you dream it?
        Lucy:            It is my duty. At another sense: it is a fact or an expectation, not a dream.
 Reporter:             Please explain.
       Lucy:             Like  the  expectation  and  duty of the gunmen by killing Innocence.
 Reporter:             Why  didn’t  you  take  the  ex-gratia  from  govt.?
        Lucy:           Because  it  is  common  or  same  to  one  of  natural  deceased, This Arm's Act is existing  in  such  our  State. It  is  not killed  by  an  act  of  mistake  or  incident  or  disaster.  It  is an  act  of  angry  and  consciousness  under  a  rule  of  drill  or  discipline  action  of  a  fake  lesson. Even  a child could identify that they were innocence. Now all have gone away; I  don’t  love revenge,  justice,  ex gratia,  job,  society  or  govt.  But  I  love  my  family; I  am  demanding  to show  my  love  to  the  entire  universe.
Reporter:             I  wish  you  accept  the  job  offered  by  the  govt.
      Lucy:             No  I  will  not  accept  the  job.  I  hate  it.  That,  my  husband,  a  graduate,  of lower  class family  tried  to  get  a  job.  He  spent  years  at  this  hope.  Many  official  persons were engaged.  And  we  hoped  to  various  interviews.  He  tried  again  and  again,  but  failed  at  last  in such  growing- shining  corruption. His high frequency of trying was the gift of the govt. and machinery.
Afterwards, he  began  making  toys  for  earning  to  maintain  my  family,  to  enable  education  of the  only  son.  I  sold  it  at  market.  After three  years  we  got  gradually develop.
Reporter:             Did  you  try  any  loan?
        Lucy;              Yes  I  tried  three  times.  But  not  selected.
 Reporter:             lastly,  Mrs.  Lucy,  will  you  continue  a  strike?
         Lucy:             Yes  I will  continue  my  demand.  They  left  nothing  for  me  except  it.  But  I  will  not  be  a blockade  or  disturber  to  anything  or  anybody.
 Reporter:             On  the  best,  thank  you.
The  pressmen  went  away.

Some  days  later  she  became  suffer  from  mentally  disorder.
                                                                                                                                                                    The  only  relative,  her local neighbor younger sister,  Lataxa  from  outside  the  state  came  to  her. She  insisted  her sister  to  take  the  offers  of the  govt. Lucy  couldn’t  stand  against every  word  of  her  younger  sister.  At  last  Lucy  agreed  her  sister  to  accept  the offers.
A  special  psychiatrist  doctor  was  contacted.  He  treated  her  well. The  doctor  often  advised  her  not  to   think  even  a  piece  of  deeper  thought,  to  eat  the  medicine  regularly  and  to  do or live  easily  with happy  life.  And  he  said  to  the  younger  sister  very  strictly  that  any  sad news or  event  or  vision  must  always  be  kept  off  her  elder  sister.  They  followed  the doctor’s advice.  As  well  as  she  became  to  changing  gradually  to  a  brighter  life.
She  continued  her  work  of  toy  making  again.  Her  demand  was  retreated.  The  ex- gratia was accepted by  Lucy  who  was  ready  to  join  a  job  too.Her  first  bank  account  was  opened  at  the State  Bank  for  depositing  the money  amount  of  the  Ex-gratia.

Lataxa  taught  the  use  of  the  bank  passbook,  how  to  deposit  and  withdraw  money.

“Oh  I  see,  that  is  like  the  going to  a  cinema  hall”  said  she  to  Lataxa  “that,  State  Bank  is a  kind  of cinema  hall to which we regularly visited.  But  we  never  went  to  a  bank.  We  three  together  happily  went  to  a  cinema  hall  on  every  Sunday.   They  died  too  on  Sunday.  So  I  will  go  on  every  Sunday  to  streets  with  my  placard.”
“Oh  my  God”  muttered  Lataxa  as  looking  anxiously  at  Lucy.

One  day  the  local  MLA  and  three  JAC  members  came  together  happily  to  the  house  of Lucy.  

They  were sitting  on  the  bench  at  the  cartilage,  telling  the  good  news  of  the  employment.  
The  sister  read  the  employment  letter  with  rejoices.  But  Lucy  remembered  a  life  style  of  her husband.  The  MLA  said  to  Lucy, “Mrs.  Lucy,  forget  all  the  past  life.  You  should  look forward  for  your  happiness  future  life  and  worry  no  more  that we stand for you always.”
“I  thank  you  and  you  all  JAC  brothers  very  much  for  yours  such  valuable  helps  for  my sister”  said Lataxa

One, JAC member  said  impressively  to  Lataxa,  “Very  well,  we  are  very  happy  today  as seeing such  face  of  your  sister,  Lucy.”

Thus  Lucy’s  life  came  to  a  constant.  The  two  sisters  lived together calmly.  She  made  toys daily.  Lataxa  helped  her. And  then,  they  were  planning  to  open  a  store  of  toys.

Things  change  under  laws.  And  change  is  the  law  of  the  universe.  Human  life  too  changes time  to  time as;
Like  a  lightening
Like  a  darkness,
Like  the  sunrise,
Like  the  sunset,

But  life  tends  always  indicating  and  fixing  to  do  a  good.  It  is  the  uniform  law  of  life.
Lucy’s  life  too  came  to  a  sudden  change.

One  month  later,  an  unbeliever  happened.  It  was  the  Saturday  evening  of  7 pm.  The  two sisters  were arranging  for  dinner.  But  they  were  startled  by  a  loud  sound  of  knocking  the door.  Lucy  looked  at  the  door.

“Open  the  door  quickly”  said  the  voice.
Lataxa  replied,  “Wait,  wait,  who  is  this?

She  opened  the  door. Three gunmen entered.
The first man said to them “Bring out the money”
They  refused…

The  second  man  showed  a  hand  grenade. The  third  looked  out  as  taking  position  with  his  AK 47  rifle.

The  situation  caused  the  awakening  of  her  suffer  or  crazy.  Lataxa  looked  at  her  and then  moved  towards   the old almirah, Godrej.

Lucy  was  standing  with  a  straight  and  blank  looking  at  them.  They  refused  to  see  her
unblinking  eyes and  trembling  legs.  The  third  man  moved  out  the room  as  stepping  towards the  gate.

Lataxa  gave  them  a  bag.  The  man  looked  into  the  bag  as  asking  “how  much?”
“Ten lac,  please  take  it.”  replied Lataxa.

The  man  shrieked  angrily  as  saying,  “We  demanded twenty lac  i.e.  the total amount  of  the ex-gratia.”

She  looked  at  Lucy  for  a  while,  then  turned  to  the  man  and  said,  “Why  don’t  you understand?  We shared JAC  members  too  some  amounts  and  have  been  charging  against the 
all  requirements  happening  at  such  poor  family.  My  sister’s  suffer  has  been  arisen  just now. Go  away,  please  get  out.”
They got out.

Lataxa had to arranging the dinner.                                                                                                                                                                                    
In  the  mean  time  they  heard  some  loud  voices  saying  “don’t run, don’t run.”
Within  seconds  they  could  hear  the  successive  sounds  of  running  strides  and  firing  guns at  
the  gate  and at  the  cartilage.  Lataxa  got  down  hurriedly,  dragged  Lucy  down  on  the surface behind  the  bed.

The  sounds  ended,  Lataxa  wept  and  said  with  shaking  sounds  “What  a  hell  at  this  home?”
They  were  threatened  again  by  the  loud  voices:
“Who  are  there  in  the  house?  Open  the door  and  come  out  quickly.”

Lucy stood  up  nervously  and  hurriedly as saying, “My  husband  and  son….”
She  opened  the  door  and  got  out.

“Oh  my  God,  her  madness  has  been  doubled”  as  muttering  Lataxa  came  out,  found numerous police positioning,  hiding  already  and  the  three  men  lying  with  blood  stream  on the  surface  of the  cartilage.

The  police  officer  asked  Lataxa  some  questions.

Police  officer:  “Who  are  you?”
           Lataxa:  I  am  Lataxa,  the  younger  sister  of  Lucy  who  is  the  owner  of  this  home.
Police  officer:  Did  you  know  the  three  men?
            Lataxa: They  are  strangers.  They  demanded  money  from  my  sister.  And  they  were  given  that.
Police officer: Okay.

Lucy  looked  at  the  police  officer  and  muttered  loudly  “Where  is  my  placard?  Give  me  my husband  and  son.

The  police  officer  looked  at  Lucy  with  a  great  wonder  for  a  while,  then  turned  to  Lataxa, gave  the  bag and  said,  “Lataxa,  it  is  bad  lucky  for  Lucy.  You   take  care  your  sister.”

The  police  quietly  left,  the  three  death  bodies  were  transferred  to  the  morgue.
Lataxa  watered  the  surface  to  wash  the  blood.  Lucy  was  going  with  the  placard  around the cartilage. Sometimes  she  said,  “Lataxa  take  away  the  ex-gratia.  I  don’t  want  it.

Lataxa  didn’t  reply,  continued  her  work  as  looking  at  Lucy’s  moving.
“Sister,  go  inside”  said  Lataxa.
   Lucy:  what  is  today?
Lataxa:  Saturday.
   Lucy:  Oh  I  am  sorry.  I  will  go  with  my  placard  tomorrow  and  every  Sunday.
Lataxa:  Where?
   Lucy:  To  streets.

With  a  great  hope  she  went  inside  the  house  quickly.  Lataxa  looked  at  her  anxiously.
On  the  next  Sunday  she  started  coming  out  with  the  placard  i.e.  Lataxa  could  not  resist or disturb  her  desire.
She  frequently  asked  anybody, counted  the  days  waiting  for  Sunday.

It is the  greatest  regular  duty  unto  death.  That,  Lucy  has  been  walking  every  Sunday  with her placard around  the  city.  Everybody  looks quietly  at  such  stillness:  her  face,  the  placard clicking  viewers’  sleeping  minds;  which  seems  squashing  any  kind  of  evil  or  negative thoughts  and  spraying  the  sun  of  peace gradually  in  the  sky  of  the  city  or  a  charming human beauty: her  pure  love  to  her  family:  the  placard  of  the natural or inner expression : the symbol of the love loving to live without separation.
The End………            






The Placard The Placard Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on June 23, 2019 Rating: 5

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