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A Real Life

"A real life" is an index of modern woman society. Behind this story indicates there is something more important and value of a woman than a man, besides  there should be a different between man and woman at real life.

It is a true story of a young woman who does not regard the custom of marriage or neglects it’s pure meaning at her blooming stage.

She loved a young man sincerely. And it was studded at her thought that he was an honest human partner.

Their romance flowed a long time, three years more. But none of them ever interested to getting their marriage soon. Instead they were greatly interested to learn by dreaming a high- professional job. It was a great mistake. Love matter should be the marriage in time. But they continued all steps of the matter secretly without marriage.

As a result, something came to changing at her educational life. She neglected in learning and her dullness was the cause of dropping her B.SC. final exam. The parents scolded to her neglects.

Due to sickness or a suspicious, she went to a doctor. At the checkup found that she was a pregnant. To hear those words her lover, the honest young man switched off the cell phone for ever. Besides a big crises happened at her family. As a result, the parents didn’t forgive her. That, she was expelled from her sweet home.

She came out on roads madly. Shortly, she turned to a dirty woman   who tried any means for feeding herself always. How to earn never known practiced, but tried to various departments and factories. But her such body figure or situation was the enemy that anybody disliked her. It was a long duration to bear such a painful life that never met before. She spent mostly at wastelands by thinking about the currently situations and remembering her past happy lives. The parents, the only of this generation and the partner, the only of her life’s spring were not forgotten by her always. That, her loves to them turned to poison by studding a hurt of separation at her thought.

Life is changeable like a dark or light, like the setting sun or the rising sun: Life moves on varied laws at times. But life tends to a uniform law always: It is the indication to do a good thing always. 

As knowing her former mistake, naturally she began seeking what to do a good thing at her present and future life.

Besides, fortunately she met an old friend who would look after her. The friend gave her shelter too for her safety life. Thus she saved her life but her child couldn’t be life. 

Two years later, she became a brighter woman that she could handle her life easily and smoothly. Her life tends to do a good thing by simple living and earning on varied ways with good morals.

The young man, who ran away from his responsibility, was impacted to see her again. One day he came to her for begging to return their romance again. But she dismissed him from her life line. The parents, who didn’t practice their inborn qualities of ‘forgive’ in time, frequently came to her but she drove them away. And the woman, the victim of the typical romance, had to live separately real life. 

So, we should remember always that human being is an animal bearing multi quality of best and baddest  that it to be controlled or guided by good morals or characters, self judgments, inborn qualities and good society or environment. These are the essential practicable not to break out any crime or conflict.   What is human beauty? Think and create anything based on human beauty.


A Real Life A Real Life Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on July 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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