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The King From The Sky-10

Multi Moonlights

*Save the Planet from the Acid Rain
*Romance and Sacrifice
*Different View of a Different Human
at all Circumstances

Scene 58                                                                                                                                                                                          

Int.--Interview hall

The chairman and other two members are 
sitting before a table. Laysana  sits oppositely.
                                                          Miss Laysana, can  you measure
                                                          the longest different of a society.

                                                          The Distance between  the child shining 
                                                          on the top of the mansion and the orphan 
                                                          child standing  on the bottom.

                                                           Your mental can draw it. Your social 
                                                            knowledge ascends higher.

                                                         I could learn it from an orphan young man,
                                                         the worker by remembering his life styles 
                                                         and artless  truth  words.

She can’t speak more, tears arise..
                                                             Your eyes give the real answer.
                                                             The  worker is an memorable character 
                                                              of society .
                                                              Yes sir.
                                                              Okay, tell me about your aim after  
                                                               this examination.

                                                               Sir, I will try to become a brilliant social 
                                                               Am also a volunteer of combine team for the
                                                               coming Acid Rain.

                                                                Excellent. On the best.                                 

(ending scene-58)

Scene 59

Ext. --The meadow. –Afternoon.

Big shady trees grow around meadow.
Each tree has been surrounded by six 
benches of blue color.
He is cutting a plank with a saw.
Jack plane, chisel, hammer are lying.  
Luke is sitting near him.

                                                             How many men expected?
                                                             About five thousand men can sit
                                                             under the shady trees at one time.

He is cutting  and curving a wood with the chisel 
in his left hand by beating the hammer on its head. 
He is sitting under a shady tree.

Luke goes away towards the moat. Then he can 
see  a large headless serpent swimming in the water  
of the moat. He runs back fearfully.

                                                                Manlay, a serpent… The  headless!...

He stands up, runs to the moat. Luke follows slowly.
Near the moat, he stands  as looking at the water.

                                                                      But I can’t see that.
                                                                     Gone. But I saw it clearly
                                                                     the headless  snake.

His eyes search for a while.
Manlay  returns to his place, 
continues his work again

                                                                     Wipe out the sweats on face
                                                                     Luke, fear is not good
                                                                       You’re right. You know
                                                                       a magical advice.

A  dry branch falls off to strike on his left hand. 
Suddenly gives up the chisel and the hammer.
He bears the  ache of the left hand.

                                                           Oh this hell, the disturber.
                                                           I will report it to Laysana.

He tries to hold the chisel with the left fingers. 
But is very shaky. 

                                                          Don’t try to sing  the music less song.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                                          Your works have full growth

He tries again to hold the chisel
                                                           Ah I can hold it.

He proceeds the work, finishes the cutting works.
The  frame work of the legs are set up, fixed with tacks.
The  plank is kept to fix on it. A bench is constructed.                       
(ending scene-59)

Scene 60                                                                                                                                                                                          

5 years  later.


Ext.--A big garden—Rainy Day

Various kinds of flowers and trees are growing.
The  little mound is covered with flowers of 
different colors.  
The orchid are blooming in trees.  
They’re  are standing with umbrellas. 
It is raining.
                                                         Working in rain is also a good lesson

                                                          Are you mad?

                                                          The old monk, the father came in
                                                           My dream, last night and ordered me
                                                           to go to Samtan in six days to kill the 
                                                           Magician. He turned to a big
                                                           black  cat/tiger and disappear.
                                                           So, I’d  finish the works of the moat
                                                           in four days.

He begins working in rain, cuts the useless plants  
growing on the bank of the moat. The small  
raft has been dropped in water, standing on 
the raft he cuts the rough edges with the spade.  

Luke watches him.

(ending scene-60)


Scene 61

4th. Day.

 Ext.—Garden-The moat –Rainy day

It is  raining. Luke is standing  on the bank 
with an umbrella.  
He is cleaning the water of the moat.  
It  becomes  heavier rainfall  and a horrible 
sound of wind  blows the  woods. He watches  
the  wind blows.
                                                                I will finish my work
                                                                and I will kill the Magician.

He  jumps down into the water. His head floats 
on the  water surface. The weeds cut are kept 
on the raft. 
He turns to Luke.

                                                                 What is magic?
                                                                 You work four days nonstop in rainy day.
                                                                 It is a magic.
                                                                 My life is not magic’
                                                                 Life is nothing,
                                                                 But I should do such beloved work
                                                                You know a magic.
                                                                Okay dear,
                                                                Let me go and get back after this blast.
                                                                You can go.  And remember
                                                                today is the last day of my work.


                                                                Yes sir, I have been watching you.
                                                                The cinema is ended from today?

Luke has gone.

The raft is cruised on water by holding it with his 
left hand. The raft escapes, it is carried  away  by the
wind at far. He swims after it for a long time, catches 
the raft again with  the left hand. The right hand  
cuts  the weeds under water and put it on the raft as 
shooting an arrow of glance at the wind operating
the trees. That strikes the wind to calm down. 
The trees  become freedom, as standing perpendicularly.
It is  about to stop rainfall. The wind blows slowly. 
His head is floating on the surface  of the  water. 
The two legs have been kept on moving to and  
flow under the water. The  pressure of cool water 
for long time dazes his tiresome body. The motion 
of the legs become stop  as closing the eyes and 
loosing the  left fingers from the raft. His head  
has been submerged  under the water.

But suddenly the eyes open and tries  to  move his 
legs and hands to float up again. Hardly climbs on 
the raft, lying on the raft and closing  eyes. 
The  wind carries  the raft. The rain stops. 
The sun vivifies in the  western sky. He is

(ending scene-61)


Scene 62

Ext.--A city road--evening

An exercise/drama like Just after an earthquake: 
a broken building near a city road can be seen
Crowds are  watching.
Some men are lying on the street, near the buildings 
and some spots are at burning.
The volunteers led by Laysana  run towards the men. 

of ambulance and fire service are arriving.
They  pick up the  men and carry heading the ambulance. 

An army team   
also  joins rescue team. 

The firemen 
are watering the fires.  

carries  down  children one after another 
from high buildings.  

Some others are  trying and  giving first aids 
to the men. 

They perform the all works  swiftly  
and  completely. 

The vehicles have  gone. 
The street opens again.

(ending scene-62)

To be continue                                                                              

The King From The Sky-10 The King From The Sky-10 Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on July 10, 2019 Rating: 5

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