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The Uncivilized Staff

Multi Moonlights Presents

It is a story based on a true event in 2006.

The event might be allowed as simple, nothing, negligible. But it is the baddest, hatred smell and unforgettable painful impacted by a solemnly behaviorist acting or words. I think, is the most unbelievable wonderful and the meanest or lower uncivilized even  than Old Stone Age.
Due to the hatred nature of her, the staff, I don’t like to mention even the name of the Office/Department situated at Paona Road, Imphal, Manipur(India).

An Indian scheme called PMRY is a kind of loan offered by the Central Govt. to unemployed and educated youths. My intimate friend often insisted me to take this loan. I didn’t agree always because I believed it should be inspired by corruptions.  But at last I agreed his word to apply the said loan.
For taking the application form of PMRY, I visited the Office. When entering I found about ten guys including some women were already writing to fill up their forms. There were 5/6 staffs in the room.

I got the application form from the male staff sitting at the west, near the wall. I noticed a tall and fat woman sitting at the middle, arranging to start her table work and talking gladly with the women who were ready to summit their forms to her. I thought she was the best staff member in the office that she gladly treated the peoples.

I filled up the form completely, attached the documents and my passport photos. I checked my writes, found a mistake. I want to remove it and rewrite correctly. So I asked the male staff for getting a remover. He indicated me to ask the fat woman that she had the remover.

I moved near to her table. The women had submitted their forms. I noticed, there were  six to eight male guys too. She was quietly and slowly writing the name of the applicant on the file. The men were waiting silently as standing at queue.

I asked her, “Excuse me. Any remover ink is there? Please.” She didn’t reply. But I believed she would reply, as well as I was waiting politely with a smile. It was silent. Everybody including other staffs looked at me that she didn’t give any reply. Cheerfully she continued her paper works by writing the names of attendances next by next, never looked at me.

“It is not so busy or serious or emergency, but why?” I thought, “repeat?, she heard perfectly.”
That time of passing 17/18 seconds was too long to me; a good racer might run 100 meters. I never met before like such rare situation.

I retreated backward with a shy. Meanwhile she said solemnly, “look, as being understood that I am in busy, that might be asked to other staffs.”     

I wondered at her words. That's not related one of my asking, the question.  At least she could reply 'yes' or 'no'. I needed any related reply from her. As looking into her appearance I caught that she was a self uncivilized cat competing me as a mouse. I amazed how she smoothly, gently and nicely performed the action of looking down me or a human.  But I never practiced a down attitude.

At the east, next room was sitting the officer. She was not an officer.
I disliked facing her again. Besides I neglected the remover and canceled my application, moved out the Office.

Later, I realized, the women met inside the Office might be her relationships or friendships; that she nicely treated them.

An Office is public property or server. Such staff must be a time passer and unequal server; is dangerous or disturber in all development ways in a society.

A question or a needy at times is the timely significance requirement of the journey or the man. It should be awaited to good answer or help with respect. As well as we should look at all equally; act our inner beauties, not to poisonous behind an external solemnly discipline:

Beauty acts of mankind
Are the Human Beauties
Making Beauty Civilization. 


The Uncivilized Staff The Uncivilized Staff Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on October 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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