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The King From The Sky/Script-19

Scene 138

Ext.-- The building and  the garden-8 p.m.

 The rain  stops at this small  city.
The sky becomes clear.   
The  stars are  shining. The moon is rising  above the garden. 
Her face turns towards the garden. The wind blows her hair.  

She remembers his words:
I  will see your face when the wind from the
Perfect  world blows your hair sporadically.

 A ray
appears, originating from the deep sky, she astonishes it.
 The ray moves crossing the city, the garden.
 The  ray stops at the tip of the little mound.
 It focuses a shining image of a human being: the
amazing  image is set standing with a spade  on
the  tip of the mound. 

                                                   A dream!?
                                                   Statue of multi light.  It is him the young man ,
                                                  the worker.           

(ending scene-138)

Scene 139

Ext.-The garden-same time

The crowds are gathering around the mound.
A  bright star  
appears in the sky. Everybody looks at it wonderfully.
It seems the ray has been originated from
from it.
The  star  widens its size into a large. 

A  man                                                                             

                                                                        A  man                                                       
                                                        Hey,  The king from the sky,
                                                        the Spaceship returns.

All rise  their hands high to welcome the Spaceship. 
The  spaceship comes down with its blazing light.
It  covers the whole sky of the city gradually.                           
(ending scene-139)  

Scene 140

Ext.-A polo ground-Same time

At  other side of the city, on a polo ground crops 
are poured  down from it unto forming a hill. The
surrounding men are  watching it amazingly.                               
(ending scene 140)



Scene 141

Ext.-Garden-same time

The statue of light is standing on the mound. 
The crowds are wondering.

A  small craft 
Appears from the Spaceship, lands at the garden. 

Comes down  after a long time in front of the crowds


                                                     My  brothers and sisters every  things is  right.  
                                                     Our SC is  revived; the Acid  Rain has been defeated.           

The crowds run to her.

Manlay  with a spade  enters the garden as  
watching the Spaceship and the top of the 
building with a thrill of rejoice.
                                                         a  great day of wonder…
                                                         and  I  wish  to  see  her in the garden.
He notices the bright figure standing  on the tip of the mound.

                                                           My statue!  A magic?

He is gazing, sees a vision of his body lying under water.

                                                 What is it?
                                                 an unknown vision!

He  becomes dizzy, tries to get consciousness .                                                                                               
He regains his consciousness:  remembers that 
the head less snake  dragged  him down under the water.
And sees a vision: his dead body lying under the water. 
He becomes trembling                                                                                  

                                                                   ( deep shocking with  tearing)
                                                  I’m  not alive. It is true forgotten by my will power. I can’t
                                                  meet her, I’m afraid  everything, everybody and here.  
                                                  Let me escape  from  here.

Wipes out the tears, turns to return..
But he is startled  by a kiss of Miss  Alice on his cheek.                                                                                            
Everybody has  surrounded him already.

                                                   Ah ..hi,
                                                   Hi , my  sweet. I see you after a long time
                                                   Let me narrate  something.

Alice is narrating.
Everybody listens the story.
As listening her, he looks at the top of mound, 
sees the vision again and sees the Kailash mountain.                
(ending scene-141)


Scene 142

Int.-The  Spaceship –Same  time

A  robot is talking with the SC.                                               
                                               The food from the Spaceship can feed the whole population
                                               of the world for ten years.
                                               Well, what about various plants and crops in the Earth?
                                               We can  make up the soil, in four months all plants can  grow  rapidly.
                                                And, the currently human being?
                                                They change..Human is the  index of the world. Universalities  are                                                         playing a  golden drama  with their supernal acts. Alice is enjoying it.
                                                What is that
                                                The  eve of the perfect world.                  

(ending scene-142)


Scene 143

Ext.-- The  garden—Same time.

Alice is narrating : they are listening cheerfully.


                                                    Story is ending .

Laysana keeps looking at him hiding 
from behind a little girl.

                                                                                  (turning to Manlay)
                                                    I heard that
                                                    Manlay Laysana  is the name of orchid of gold color.
                                                    I mean the blank of Laysana in your name, I want to
                                                    see the union, where is the Laysana?

A little girl                                                                            
                                                                       A  little  girl
                                                   Here is..
                                                   Look at me Miss Alice.

Everybody turns to the little girl standing 
with a bunch of orchids
                                                   Hi, come on. My sweet.

The  little girl moves towards Miss Alice opening 
behind the hidden face of Laysana.
The  moon   comes out near the tip of the Kailash Mountain.

To be continue....                                                                                                    
The King From The Sky/Script-19 The King From The Sky/Script-19 Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on November 20, 2019 Rating: 5

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