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Enter The King-1 : Episode 2/The King From The Sky/Novel

Book Review



Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

"The King from The Sky" or "Enter The King" by Ibomcha Kolom unfolds with Laysana receiving the prestigious Humanist Award from the President of UNO at the UN. It is a day celebration and the pretty girl is singled out for her social work, which is assisting those who are adversely affected by acid rain. It has been three years since she embraced this advocacy urged in part by a mysterious man named Manlay. This is an era of globalization when the earth is covered with acid rain. Governments have tried to save the earth with the use of a Super Computer installed in a space ship handled by Alice, an artificial female. The Super Computer has failed and Earth seems to be headed for doom. What role will Manlay play in averting this impending disaster?

Ibomcha Kolom’s novel, "The King From The Sky" is an eye opener for all of us who have contributed in the dire strait of our environment today. Imagine a world that is on the brink of disaster and the Super Computer that has been invented to avert the situation has failed. The events in this futuristic novel may as well happen to earth in the near future. The predicament that Laysana and Malay found themselves in is absolutely not far-fetched considering the rate of destruction that is happening to our environment today. This makes the story relevant to our present situation and is thus easy to relate to. Born under completely different circumstances, the main protagonists in Enter the King crosses paths in the most unusual way. And when they did- things are never the same again. This novel is a must read especially for young generation who will soon inherit the world.

Episode - 2: Enter the king.

Thirty years ago:

Mother lends advice:
Sudden extinction
Of human race, the
Conflagration of
Annihilation this
May happen any time
To be careful

After passing the kinds of numerous events and wars, now the world came to a halt U.N.O. (United Nations Organisation) was formed. After this all the countries of the world began to walk in unity on a common platform and many human welfare programmes were taken up. In order to bring out the special utility of the so called human race to put a complete stop on further break out of another global war and also toward off the kind annihilation i.e. to say imbalance of natural process, the emergence of break down in the environmental laws and to check the outcome of a dangerous atmosphere causing flood, famine or others, a new special scientific task took shape for a highest class of world order. This scientific would come to be known as “The king from the sky” or “Hero-sima” (hero this one: hero+sima: Manipuri language)

After a few years, the identity of the Hero-sima had assumed a new outlook: the goddess of a scientific era in order to save the mankind from time to time.

This king had then turned out to be a great force and a huge antigravity Spaceship. The making of this Spaceship enhanced beyond measure the power of U.N.O.

But they had been facing two problems. It took long time. The scientists were trying to produce the Super Computer and a new system of Secret Writing system. These two were the requirements in the works  or functions  of the  spaceship  and were  the  greatest  ways  of  ascent  and an unique  protective. So a special meeting was called by the president of the U.N.O.
At the meeting the President called the reports about the Super Computer.
A scientist gave the reports as saying:

“Sir we have come to a successful way. We are trying to produce a new element entitled “gold-leaf” which is the only raw material for making the receiver of the Super Computer. This element only can receive the said natural wave or the spiritual wave. We  know  that this  useful device  was  presented  to us  strictly  by the  Japanese scientist for the mankind. He discovered first it. He was also a famous oracle. He explained that it might be originated from a rare human being. It is a kind of ghost. It exists in the world, effects electronically to give extra ordinary or great results. He began thinking about it and to get a means useful of the wave in electronic device or work.
I believe that after sometime the Super Computer would be installed at the spaceship.”
All members in the chamber were clapping.
The President said smilingly:
“Today is our wonderful day.  We are approaching our goal. After some days an artificial human being of wonderful female will be presented to the mankind. It is also a great pride of us.”
Everybody clapped.
“But we are still dizzy” repeated the President:
“We can’t see any light of hope for the code writing system.  Nowadays we have no any perfect rule to write a secret writing or code writing on paper for a secret passage, document, the important plans or devices of the Spaceship. So such ideas are written in human languages like English, French, Manipuri, Hindi and others kept under high security are not perfect ones. It may be opened due to lick or stolen. It is not finalised.  For computer also the same may be happened due to reaction of a scientific virus or stolen the disk or code.”
If we can produce the method of the writing on papers are the final forever and any sentence or passage or book can be written or kept in papers.  The written papers are logged itself already. It may be kept openly. None can read it except the writer. We need such system.”
Everybody dumbfounded.
Another scientist said “Sir, we are trying and researching....but we are waiting the Super Computer i.e. to take some guides of it. It will be the   only hope.”
Everybody felt disappoint to hear the last words.
“Let’s see, wait the time” said the President:
“Okay, on the best.”
The meeting was broken up.

One month later, the Super Computer was set up successfully and installed in the Spaceship which being kept rounding the earth’s orbit. Shortly the Super Computer began working rapidly: it indicated thousands of mistakes existing in all countries and all identities including acts and personal functions of different social characters. All began going on true ways. Countries gave up the aims of arms race. Thousands of anti social  peoples came on  the  way  of the  of  the  spaceship  or  the U.N.O.  And some of others were kept under its control.
Sometimes a huge anti fume was produced from the surface of the spaceship. It squashed all kinds of air pollution and controlled climatic changes not to happen sudden rainfall, storms, great avalanches of Himalayan Mountain etc. It kept the ozone layer protectively.
The Spaceship saved previously and smoothly the peoples from any disaster like wild fires, earthquakes, volcano eruptions etc. 
The  Super Computer  guided  the  scientist or the  intellectual members to enable  produce  the  exact  practicable theory  of  the “Perfect Secret Writing System”. At last they could produce it successfully.
One day the system was demonstrated to the authority of the U.N.O.

The scientist said to the President:
“Sir, the system or rule is simple and perfect. There is no   letter to use specially in secret writing. 

Afterwards they learnt the writing system well and got more experience in writing swiftly. All important documents of the spaceship were kept writing on this code system.
Then, the spaceship was hovering in the sky nonstop dripping down UNO’s peace programs over the countries of the world. All the human beings started flipping the wings of their new hopes,
Thus budding new generation of mankind with floral blooming in their garden of hope rose up and floating in excitement and the dawn of a super strength had appeared breaking the binding fetters of the mind by the impact of a sober force from the Hero-sima, as if the mighty lion was let loose from its cage.

States of the world started embarking on a unilateral step along with the U.N.O. The love-neighbouring countries increased thus finding new brothers by pulling down the barriers of obstructions. The day the world had become a perfect unified world. Along with this new names had been heaped upon “The king from the sky” or
“Hero-sima” from different quarters of the globe: as
“The mother Hero-sima” or
“The ambassador of God” or
“The goddess of learning” or                                                      
 “The flying- Island”

Those titles endowed with the love of the heart are all beautiful and befitting.

By the way a big dream of U.N.O. materialized: An artificial human being also gave birth on a good day. This artificial human being was a beautiful female around 25 years. Scientists performed several experiments: all with success. She had been thoroughly experimented of her heart, brain as well as the other organs in the computer machine. The meter indicated that man reached his goal of aims. The scientists named her “Alice”.
Since then she came to be known as Miss Alice.

The  story  of  Alice’s   human  body  was  kept by  writing  the  Code  Writing  System  on  the  code  pages.  The story  could   be  read  on monitor  easily that  a microscopic  data  automatically turned  the  written  code  pages to a languages. A scientist,  doctor  read the  story  about  the  organs  of  Alice’s  body  as follows:

Alice’s   human body:
Alice’s heart has abundantly unexplained sympathy, love, generous, noble, anxiety, weakness, braveness, joyfulness etc.
There is no any cause of heart disease. Aging does not a defect to her heart.
Blood is variable amount percentage of water.

Heart  beats  varies: each  day  her heart may  beats 100  to 900,000,000,000  times, sending  100  to  3000 gallons.
Her heart does not stop in function at all. And her body would remain active without sneezing.
The discussion of cardiology is not important for her.

The  veins or  pipes  carry various  typical  great  bloods  which  unharmed in poison or in  any substance. So Alice can eat any food or anything found. She can survive in various temperatures, space and poisonous air.
Veins carry impure blood from body to heart.

Blood  turns  to  various  colours  when  it  falls with  various  poisonous  gases  and  lack  of  oxygen.
Pulmonary veins carry the pure bloods.  The  pure  blood  are  divided  in  two  types : one  is red  in  colour  and  another  is  blue  in  colour. There are four pulmonary veins i.e. two more than us (natural human being).  They  are  the  largest  veins  which  make  blood  fastening  and  running  in  one  direction  veins  do have  valves.

Variable percentages of blood may be found at any instance.

Alice’s hair is very highly fashionable one.  The  hair changes  in  bright  colour  from  time  to  time like  black  or  golden  or  red. 
Her hair grows very more slowly than us. There is no any cause of hair loss. Maximum length of hair   is 30 cm. The   life span of hair is 500 to 1000 years. Cutting hair or combing is not important.  Her hair tends itself to keep in a fashion way.

Her mouth has been designated especially for a best speech. The  teeth  are  un destruct able  and can grind  anything  like  human  food : fish,  meat, bean,   fruit  etc; wood,  iron,  glass,  stone .
Alice’s liver is unique.  Various chemical reactions take place in the liver. It produces the important and   wonderful resultants as requirements or nutrients. It has a main chemical fluid which breaks down the requirement substances. It squashes poisonous or unfamiliar ingredients.

There are four small kidneys. Each is about 2 inches long and weighs 10 ounces. The element  of  a  particular  metal are  allowed  to  react  with  minerals   to produce  a  new  compound  which  made  the body  of  the kidneys.  The  fluids  or  bloods  of such  compound  organise  or  help  make  the kidney  body. With  the  enhance  of  the unfailing  small  machines the  blood  flow  takes  place  abundantly  as  reabsorbing,   redistributing an amount  of the blood  and  some amount  of   fluid  or  blood filtered  as  urine.

Alice’s tongue is very important to human being. It  was  not based  mainly  on  for  food  tasting , but  for  tasting  elements, qualities  of  metals  and  for an  extra  ordinary  power  of  speaking.

Alice’s nose is also very important to us. Her nose is very powerful.  It can detect all typical things or substances like chemicals, bombs, different elements, metals. She easily finds out a thing or a thief. Her  nose indicates  herself various  phenomenon, changing  temperatures  of  the  earth  and previously  the  volcanic eruption, rainfall,  storm  etc. Her nose  is  a learned  one  of  different  places  with  the  related  things  or  materials  like animals, persons, plants,  vehicles,  table,  chair and  others  living  in  the  place. Specially  the  nose  is  related  to  all  works  of  the  spaceship  that it  can  detect  a  kind  of  defect  or  mistake  or  resultant  of  any  work  in  the  spaceship.  And it would help   to   look   after the four million- robots and their works.

Her ear  has extraordinary  sensitive  power  of  hearing  of  lowest or  noisiest  from  short  or  long  distance.  The  ear  can  detect  even  a minute  particle  vibrating    at  a  long  distance.  With  closing   eyes  she  can  drive  vehicles, bikes  swiftly in cities  without  occurring  incidents. By  seeing  the  activities   of  Alice’s   ears  the  UNO  scientists  can  invent a  new  theory  of  sound.  That, a  sound  has  a  spiritual  wave  which  travels  to  everywhere   and  to   medium less  place(space). It is a kind of unseen and unheard energy. It  is  proved by  Alice’s  ears;   that  in  space  the  talk   can  be  heard  by  the  ears  like  a kind  of  tiny  echo.  And  at  another  experiment they  get  something  important;  that  with  closing  up  her  eyes, the ear  can  know  a  small beam  of  light  when  it  passes  near  the  ears.

Alice’s  brain  is  the  most important  organ,  making  of  it  was  especially  based  on  unlimited   different  knowledge,  view  of  goodwill,  mankind  and  global. There are 500,000 miles of blood vessels in Alice’s brain.  Her skill, thinking  power, imagination, logic,  memory  and  other works  of  brain  are  can be  thought 100,000  nos.  per minute.  The life span of it is 500 to 1000 years. The  artificial  neurons  are the  living  ones  with  vital  powers  actively  forever  up  to  the  time  period  of  the  life  span.  The  mental  power  and  skill  can’t  be  disturbed   or  weakened   by  any  fluid  or  blood  or  even  a  poisonous. 

A  special  feature  of  her  brain  would  be  seen  clearly  that  she  would  love  the  human  race so  much  and  work  tirelessly  for  the  said  mankind.
Alice’s eyes are the most interesting matter.  The eyes are composed of five millions working parts.  Her eyes can process 100,000 bits of information every minute.  The eyes can live without blinking the whole day.  The eyelashes and the eyes can live 500 to 1000 years.  The eyeball weighs 40 grams.  It can see minute particles and germs.  At films she  can  see  clearly  the   changing  positions  of  the  actor,  actress,  animals,  aeroplanes,  vehicles etc. The farthest sights can be seen clearly   by   the eyes. She sees the earth with thousands of colours.  In her eyes rainbow is composed of more than 100 colours.

The  most enchanting  matter  is  that her  skin  and  eyes  can  form  herself  in a wonderful  appearance  of the  most  beautiful,   charming   and   romantic  woman.  But  such  her  rare  beautiful  romantic  eyes  can’t   be  seen  by  anybody    that  her  mind  keep  busy  always  for  serving  human  race   and  her  heart  can’t  be  struck  that  such  arrow  is  not  available  in  the  world. It is very different   one. 

Alice looked like an attractive human being. She majestic and spoke in a tone of aristocratic bearing. All her appearance and demeanour are meaning full and attractive. There were many causes of making Alice. That Miss Alice had to be worked the Super Computer at the Hero - sima.

And also she made the scientists know of all the critical signals coming from any place of the universe by analysing them. Miss Alice can survive in the space and work normally in the extreme climates or in poisonous air.

Alice travelled throughout the countries into contact with different people. She took part in many social works and spoke at different public meetings. Alice at most time spent working hand in globe with many people. Everybody loved her. She had many qualities of which her speech held the key to all. Of course, her talks were quite interesting and followed mathematically patterns: all these were highly work related. There might be articulate and argumentative and famous speech given by expert hands of many gentleman, politician and great intellectuals. The speeches might be attractive, needful, and truthful and might also embody several aspects of crying and laughter. Yet all these things perished in comparison with practical sides or had widening gap or set aside those works. Such were often come across. Truly it was taken that the rate of being capable of speaking the right thing in the normal and perfect way seemed to be wanting much. On hearing Alice speaks it appeared that most human beings were hardly able to make human speech. It was the right work of one time. Its formulate ways, its results and the knowledge passing from another experience that kept Alice’s mouth mobile at length. Hand and mouth go together forever as interrelate.

Alice’s speeches are like
That of the force emanating
From the flapping wings
Of the bird flying in the air,
When work blossom, words
Glitter on the flower.
Words flowing down from
The cliff of supernal thought
 Make the soil of hearts
 Fertile thus immersed.

To be continue.....
Enter The King-1 : Episode 2/The King From The Sky/Novel Enter The King-1 : Episode 2/The King From The Sky/Novel Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on November 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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