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The Super Computer and The Key Wave :episode-3(1)-Novel/The King From The Sky

Reviewed by  for Readers' Favorite

"The King from The Sky" or "Enter The King" by Ibomcha Kolom unfolds with Laysana receiving the prestigious Humanist Award from the President of UNO at the UN. It is a day celebration and the pretty girl is singled out for her social work, which is assisting those who are adversely affected by acid rain. It has been three years since she embraced this advocacy urged in part by a mysterious man named Manlay. This is an era of globalization when the earth is covered with acid rain. Governments have tried to save the earth with the use of a Super Computer installed in a space ship handled by Alice, an artificial female. The Super Computer has failed and Earth seems to be headed for doom. What role will Manlay play in averting this impending disaster?

Ibomcha Kolom’s novel, "The King From The Sky" is an eye opener for all of us who have contributed in the dire strait of our environment today. Imagine a world that is on the brink of disaster and the Super Computer that has been invented to avert the situation has failed. The events in this futuristic novel may as well happen to earth in the near future. The predicament that Laysana and Malay found themselves in is absolutely not far-fetched considering the rate of destruction that is happening to our environment today. This makes the story relevant to our present situation and is thus easy to relate to. Born under completely different circumstances, the main protagonists in Enter the King crosses paths in the most unusual way. And when they did- things are never the same again. This novel is a must read especially for young generation who will soon inherit the world.

Episode - 3

The super computer and the key wave

One day there appeared come an unbeliever, huge changes. That Alice passed the wonderful information indicating that certain air had surfaced:
“Ten year later: The Super Computer had started mad functioning, owing to this the robots and the machines functioning beyond the accepted laws of science. By these all the laws of science have become ceased i.e. all important works have been failed except some minor ones with mini-computer”

Alice landed down on the surface of the earth and held a large important meeting with the scientists.
Alice said to them:
“All sirs, let’s take a discussion on the Super Computer. Really the Earth is a living satellite, the living things exposed uncountable waves in the universe. That this computer was made with combined efforts of renowned scientists. We know that for there was a kind of element or wave in the earth. Nobody could understand where this so called wave had originated. This wave is taken as a kind of Super Natural. The Japanese scientist began thinking to adopt it in a useful way. At last he could invent the means of making it in a successful way. A kind of special receiver of the computer was devised. When the said wave banged on the receiver the computer’s main or brain circuit could function that the main organ of the first cell’s very minute and sensitive leaf began vibrating in a Super Natural way. These are the smallest units to build data’s or laws for everything in the earth and the outer space and any mode of behaviour or characteristic or position of a thing in the universe. As well as in the earth one can’t hide from those vibrations.

In the circuit the electrons in surrounding begin producing now new kinds of vibrations under the circuit measure of the leaf vibrations. With the help of a special amplifier circuit the endless vibrations were converted into endless forces. Then the all circuit of the Super Computer begins to work all round. Excepting the key wave any other law or scientific device can produce this super natural leaf vibration. Thus just like a spark turning in fire the super natural wave serving like a clue enabled the Computer work in a super natural way. Thus the Super natural wave was named the Key Wave and the Computer a Super Computer. Thus this computer could visualize: May secret valuable truthful things of mankind. It could make faster judgement or calculate right and wrong, good or bad and began functioning itself of what was supposed to do with the assistance of robots and the machines.
Sometimes this wave comes like a comet: unlimited tinier minute living pictures of multi- colours follow it.

In this way the works of the Hero-sima are dependent of the Super Computer. It is the wonderful demy God like, has about to become blunt. Because the key wave could not be linked up to our receiver and also could not be imaged on the white light screen”
On hearing Alice’s words, a scientist spoke:
“Miss Alice this Key Wave is taken by us as an unknown natural gift and how it committed air?”

Then Alice replied:
“No, it is not an unknown one. The Super Computer indicated that it was something that emerges from someone called a universal person who is up righteous and philanthropic based on right path of the universe.”

That all scientists wonderfully murmured by saying “Oh God”

Then another scientist enquired:
“If so where was the Key Wave originated from?”

Alice continued further by saying:
“That it was formed from a deceased great universal soul. As their living body could not be projected on the white light screen, the origin of the wave could not be traced. The Computer indicated that the lost wave would be found in one hundred years’ time. And it was also indicated that there would several changes on the Earth owing to its failure, chiefly the ozone layer would become thinner day by day as a result or wanting in clearing all air pollutions. As a defect to this, there would be a continuous acid rains for ten years on Earth after a spent of 19 yrs. If it goes unchecked there will total extinction of all living beings and plants on the surface of the Earth. But we have still the hope for the survival of human beings if we are able to stop this rain for 3 yrs. times at least. If this rainfall happens for the period of 5 yrs. continuous, then it will become beyond human beings effort”.

All the scientists cast their glance at Alice struck with wonder.

One scientist asked:
“What device did the Super Computer show to solve the said acid rain?”

“It was thus indicated as his last words to find a new key wave” Alice replied:
 “Only this wave can save the Earth from the annihilation period of acid rains”
 The scientist further asked:
“Can’t we get it now from a living person “
Alice quipped:
“No, not yet till now. But I will keep continuing experiments “

Composing her appearance she explained:
“Every human being on this Earth can be experimented on the white Light screen by exposing them on it with the help of the specialist telescope camera. At that moment several innumerable waves of several hues invisible to the human eyes can be seen. Several waves adorned with different colours surrounding the human body exist reflecting all the time. It takes different forms from person to person. These waves emerge from the body pertaining to the functioning of the brain that is to say the good and evil, thought, joy, happiness, anger, inclination to weeping, truth, wrong, desire, love, jealousy, passion etc. the reign of holding the wave of mind and pulses vibrating in relation to thoughts, the speed of the course of blood running in the veins, wave surging in the heart various functions done by the organs of which a relative effect is resulted. Therefore this universe is endlessly provided with the quality gift of good or evil from a human being. Out of this wave, this said special key wave reflected like a straight line. While the man concentrating on right thinking or doing good things i.e. stepping on the universal path, this key wave, shooting straight, spreads just like the light. And when the man starts thinking of evil design or committing wrongful acts, the wave becomes stooping and assuming just like evil spirits in a twisting manner took to its wings. The all these things can be seen through testing on the white Light screen “

All the scientists became dumb found and kept looking at Alice and thus felt in their mind:
“Whether there would have live such a truthful and universal person on this Earth? Every life tends earning wealth, honour and winner in various kinds of competitions. But, what is the universal path? This key wave seemed possible not to be found anywhere”

Alice made extension to her reply as:
“I shall continue another experiment and the Hero-sima will shift to another outer space leaving the sky of the Earth. At the time the Hero-sima will be with the help of telescope. From there, I will carry out many experiments. In case the accurate form of the particular person is to be found (as it is still living) his or her image will be able to get projected on anywhere and the key wave will directly connect with the circuit to survive all works of the Hero-sima. At that time it can do everything in the universe and the Hero-sima will gloriously return to the Earth.”

Then another scientist said:
” We can see that the human being is the most exceptional on the Earth. Though unknown to himself, he is connected with the all reality and all the good things in this world. To save this Earth is our ideal goal too. Though our brain fails to grasp, what the Super Computer acquire is a scientifically true matter. The computer will not able to set on a without this key wave, is will fail to embark on the course of right thinking. To revive all the functions of the Hero-sima is his/her soul responsibility, in the Hero-sima can come to rescue of this Earth. Hence he or she could have been regarded as a God. Now his memory has been revived. Everybody will thirsty for him as amrita. Now people will start on the search for him”.

Alice listening carefully to the scientist uttered calmly:
 “You are right sir, if he existed; it will be able to save all the living bodies on the Earth and with this man’s identity will have been easily focused on the white or multi light screen.

 When the Hero-sima successfully return on the Earth let the thirst of all the people on Earth is quenched at the sight of his identity accompanied with waves beyond the visibility of human eyes”
Thus a great upon Alice’s conclusion, the assembly broke up.

The Super Computer and The Key Wave :episode-3(1)-Novel/The King From The Sky The Super Computer and The Key Wave :episode-3(1)-Novel/The King From The Sky Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on November 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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