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Global-COVID-19- Cases-Today

Corona, World, Mask, Virus, Disease


Last refreshed: March 13, 2020

Globally Counted :

Coronavirus Cases: 134,768 

Passing: 4,983 

Recouped: 70,385 

Dynamic CASES 

59,400 :At present Infected Patients 

53,406 (90%) :in Mild Condition 

5,994 (10%) :Genuine or Critical 



Cases which had a result: 

70,385 (93%) :Recouped/Discharged 

4,983 (7%) :Passing 

Most recent Updates 

March 13, 2020 : 

1 new case in Taiwan: a 50-year-old American male who works in Taiwan. In the wake of accepting 4 American companions (two couples) From Feb. 24 to Feb 26, he created chills, hack, and fever on Feb 27, March 4, and 7, when he was admitted to the clinic. One of the couples previously had chills, hack, and weariness on Feb. 24, the other created side effects after coming back to the US.

US new cases include: 

1 new case in Georgia: a 29-year-old female from Charlton County who went to the Camden Campus ER with respiratory side effects on Saturday, March 7. She was dealt with and discharged, however then came back to the emergency clinic on Monday, March 9, with compounding manifestations. The patient has no movement history or known introduction.

- 1 new case in Nebraska: a man in his 50s who was on the equivalent corresponding flight as the individual who is Nebraska's first case.

- 15 new cases in Florida. 

- 1 case in New Mexico: a Santa Fe County lady in her 50s with realized ongoing universal travel to Italy.

- 6 new cases in San Diego, California "With these new positive cases, the proof is highlighting the imaginable reality that we have a network spread here in San Diego County," County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher said. "This progressions both our stance and furthermore quickens our activity." 

- 9 new cases in Michigan: 1 grown-up female from Ingham County with history of movement on a voyage; 2 grown-up females from Kent County and 1 grown-up male, all with history of global travel; 1 grown-up female from Montcalm with history of worldwide travel; 2 grown-up guys from Oakland County: one with no movement history and one with local travel; one grown-up female and one grown-up male from Washtenaw County; one with history of household travel and one with history of universal travel.

- first case in Alaska distinguished as individual from a load flight, "an outside national person who was traveling through" 

5 new cases in Thailand.

6 new cases in Jamaica. Service of Health says they are following contacts and places to characterize the potential spread geologically and quantitatively, and to execute isolate quantifies as fundamental. 

5 new cases in Romania: a 39-year-elderly person who came into contact with someone else who made a trip to Germany, a 53-year-elderly person office partner of an individual from the patient's family who was admitted to the Gerota Hospital, a 48-year-elderly person and a 22-year-old, individuals from the 53-year-elderly person's family, and a 23-year-old, contact of the man's family.

Second case in Turkey: from the prompt hover of the first analyzed patient.

2 new cases in Ecuador.

13 new cases in Panama: all out cases twofold over the most recent 24 hours.

17 new cases in Saudi Arabia: a contact of a formerly affirmed case, an ostracize originating from Portugal by means of Turkey, a resident originating from Iran by means of Oman, a resident originating from Turkey through Lebanon where she went through 5 days and created manifestations after showing up, 2 Saudi ladies originating from Iraq, and 11 Egyptian nationals, without side effects, from a similar gathering of the Egyptian guest recently affirmed.

1 new case in India: a 26-year-old Google representative in Bangalore who had come back from Greece vacation on March 6.

1 new passing in Hong Kong: a 80-year-elderly person with fundamental medical issues who lived in a similar structure in North Point that houses a Buddhist sanctuary connected to a Covid-19 group of in excess of twelve cases.

110 new cases and 1 new demise in South Korea. 

15 new cases (contrast between the present revealed aggregate of 80,813 affirmed cases and yesterday's accounted for aggregate of 80,793 cases, for a net difference in 20 cases), 7 new passings (6 in Hubei) and 1,318 new releases (same careful number as yesterday) happened in China on March 12, as announced by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China

March 12, 2020: 

15 new cases (distinction between the present revealed aggregate of 80,813 affirmed cases and yesterday's accounted for aggregate of 80,793 cases, equal to a difference in 20 cases, as opposed to the 8 new cases written in the record), 7 new passings (6 in Hubei) and 1,318 new releases (same definite number as yesterday, which could demonstrate another mistake in the report) happened in China on March 12, as detailed by the National Health Commission (NHC) of China.


- New Mexico to close all K-12 state funded schools for 3 weeks.

- Washington State Governor orders schools to close until April 24 in King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties.

- Maryland will close all schools for about fourteen days beginning Monday.

- Ohio representative closes schools Monday through at any rate April 3.

- California: numerous schools in the Bay Area close due to the coronavirus flare-up.

- Kentucky Governor approaches all schools to close for in any event 2 weeks.

- Massachusetts: various schools are shutting.

- Coronavirus flare-up "could without much of a stretch be an a multi month emergency" said New York Mayor Bill de Blasio as he pronounced a highly sensitive situation in the city on Thursday, including that New Yorkers ought to anticipate "significant changes" from everyday in light of the fact that there's an example of "exceptional new data on what currently feels like an hourly premise" With at any rate 328 complete cases in New York, of which more than 100 included today, the quantity of cases in the city is anticipated to ascend to 1,000 by one week from now, de Blasio said.

In the UK, the contamination is required to work to a top in May or June. Chris Whitty, the central clinical official, said that most dire outcome imaginable arranging anticipated that 80% of the nation would get the infection, with a 1% death rate. This compares to in excess of 500,000 passings in the UK .

Jamaica to close all schools.

Lithuania (3 cases aggregate) and Latvia (16 cases complete) close schools, boycott huge open social occasions over coronavirus.

First case in Trinidad and Tobago: a 52-year elderly person who had come back from Switzerland and had self-confined before demonstrating indications.

Infection can stay practical "in pressurized canned products as long as 3 hours, as long as 4 hours on copper, as long as 24 hours on cardboard and up to 2-3 days on plastic and tempered steel" a Princeton study anticipating peer audit has found.

1stdeath in India: a 76-year elderly person from Karnataka.

France to close all schools and colleges starting Monday, March 16. Businesses asked to let staff telecommute.

Israel is shutting all schools and college starting Friday, March 13.

Greece is shutting all the town halls, theaters, films, rec centers, kids play areas and dance club in the nation, in the wake of having just shut the schools two days back.

UK - Boris Johnson has tended to the country today: 

Called coronavirus "most exceedingly terrible general wellbeing emergency for an age" 

Cautioned "numerous families will lose friends and family before their time" 

UK is a month behind Italy 

Genuine UK cases likely up to 10,000 

On the off chance that you have indications remain at home 

Increasingly exceptional measures to come.

2 new passings in Germany.

First demise in Norway, as the nation closes down for about fourteen days.

Turkey has shut all schools for multi week and colleges for 3 weeks.

2 new cases in Armenia: they had been in close contact with a formerly affirmed instance of a lady who had shown up from Italy. They had fever and later tried positive for coronavirus. They currently feel well and have no fever.

2,651 new cases, 189 new passings, and 213 new recuperations in Italy. Loss of life tops 1,000 

US: NBA suspended its season uncertainly after a player on the Utah Jazz has tried positive for COVID-19 prior today [source] Later during the day, a subsequent Utah Jazz player tried positive for coronavirus, as a suspended NBA considers following stages.

US refreshes include: 

First demise in Kansas.

First demise in Georgia: a 67-year old year elderly person who was hospitalized at WellStar Kennestone Hospital. He had fundamental ailments.

- First case in Maine: a lady who as of late came back from a flare-up region.

- 3 new cases in Washington State, for a sum of 379.

- 13 new cases in Massachusetts, for a sum of 108.

- 11 new cases in Colorado, for a sum of 45.

- 6 new cases in New Jersey, for a sum of 29.

- 9 in Tennessee, for a sum of 18.

- 5 in North Carolina, for a sum of 14.

- 3 in Nevada, for a sum of 10.

- 4 in Minnesota, for a toal of 9.

- 1 in New Hampshire, for an aggregate of 6.

- 5 in Arkansas, for an aggregate of 6.

- 2 new in Utah, for an aggregate of 5 (2 Utah Jazz players) 

- 1 in Oklahoma, for an aggregate of 3.

- 2 new in Texas, for an aggregate of 25.

- 6 new in Pennsylvania, for an aggregate of 22.

- 7 new in Virginia (counting a Longwood understudy), for an aggregate of 18.

- 1 new in Louisiana, for an aggregate of 14.

- 3 new in Kansas, for an aggregate of 4.

- 1 new in New Mexico, for an aggregate of 5.

- 3 new in Delaware, for an aggregate of 4.

- at any rate 5 new cases in North Carolina for an aggregate of 14.

- 3 in Wisconsin, for an aggregate of 6.

- at any rate 112 new in New York State, for an aggregate of 328 in the state.

- 4 in Florida for an aggregate of 35.

- 13 in California (Riverside County) for an aggregate of 197 cases and 4 passings.

- First case in Mississippi: a Forrest area grown-up male who as of late made a trip to Florida.

1 new passing in Azerbaijan: a 51-year elderly person who had been isolated in the wake of coming back from Iran [source] 4 new cases.

31 new passings and 782 new cases in Spain [source] Total cases outperform 3,000.

Lithuania (3 cases altogether) shuts all schools for about fourteen days, bans mass occasions, and prescribes to evade travel to high hazard nations (China, Iran, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Italy, France, Germany and Spain) [source]. Capital City of Vilnius additionally closes galleries, films, sport clubs, and so forth. Prescribes to sort out work from home to all organizations. City organization is to offer its types of assistance on the web and by means of telephone just.

US travel restriction from Europe (read unique record), which doesn't have any significant bearing to the UK and Ireland, will become effective on Friday March 13 (tomorrow) at 23:59 ET (12 PM). Americans coming back from Europe "will be channeled through 13 distinct air terminals," be liable to screening, and asked "to self-isolate for 14 days" said Pence.

2 new passings and 130 new cases in the UK.

1 new case in Cyprus: an individual who had as of late showed up from the UK.

167 new cases in Sweden, [source] which declared that testing for Covid-19 will stop except if you are hospitalized or have a place with one of the hazard gatherings. Regardless of whether you report crown like manifestations.

1 new case in Pakistan: a multi year-elderly person who came back from Iran.

2 new cases in Czech Republic, carrying the aggregate to 96. Highly sensitive situation announced.

1 new case in Senegal: a Senegalese national who came back to Dakar from Italy.

1 new case in Estonia.

111 new cases in the Netherlands.

1 new case in the Republic of Moldova: a youngster who as of late came back from Italy.

85 new cases in Belgium.

Republic of Ireland reports that all schools will be shut for 17 days beginning today. Indoor social events of in excess of 100 individuals and open air get-togethers of more than 500 ought to be dropped.

1 new case in Sri Lanka (second in the nation): a 44-year-elderly person shared a lodging in Dambulla with the primary affirmed case.

In any event 3 Albanians have passed on in Italy up until this point, including a 55-year-old who had diabetes, as per reports.

1 new case in Palestine: a multi year-elderly person in Bethlehem.

11 new cases in the UAE: 2 Italians, 2 Filipinos, 1 Montenegrin, Canadian, German, Pakistani, Emirati, Russian and British resident.

First demise in Austria: a multi year-elderly person in Vienna [source] 115 new cases, aggregate more than 300.

Schools will be shut, more than 1 million understudies will remain at home until in any event April 12. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz bid that grandparents ought not deal with the kids, so the old be secured against the coronavirus. Youngsters are "significantly less in danger with regards to diseases, and yet we realize that kids are solid multipliers," said Health Minister Anschober.

18 new cases in Iceland.

8 new cases in Albania: all have associations with Italy.

3 new cases in Armenia: a multi year-old Italian man and 45 and multi year-old Armenians that came back from Italy.

6 new cases in Slovakia, proclaims 'highly sensitive situation'.

32 new cases in Slovenia: 

- the legislature will announce a pestilence.

- Every single instructive organization will close.

- Those compelled to remain at home will be paid 80 percent of their compensation.

First passing and 20 new cases in Poland: a multi year-elderly person kicks the bucket.

75 passings, 1,075 new cases, and 317 new recuperations in Iran.

More than 100 new cases in Denmark.

3 new cases in the Philippines.

12 new cases in Luxembourg: neighborhood transmission was noted for 2 cases.

2 passings in Lebanon: one of the exploited people a multi year-old instructor.

1 new case in the Channel Islands (Jersey): an individual coming back from north-west Italy.

Global-COVID-19- Cases-Today Global-COVID-19- Cases-Today Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on March 12, 2020 Rating: 5

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