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The King From Sky-5

Scene 15

19 years later

Ext.-The top of the building-Day

Mr. Grimn and his daughter of 19 years  are watching 
the vast appearance of the meadow spreading to
the North of the building.

                                               It was the garden of our royal ancestors. 
                                               A curse turned it to a dreadful meadow 
                                               protected by the deity and the fearful 
                                               enormous serpent. Even now no one 
                                               can enter this place.
                                               You tried many times to extract the hidden 
                                                treasures. But you had failed, many men 
                                                even my mother had been killed.

                                                                          (Turning )                                              
                                              Okay my sweet, it is not good talking.
                                                                           (with a surprise)
                                                Father, I dreamed last night a lovely dream.
                                                The meadow turns to a beautiful garden.
                                                 Oh  God, a nice dream.
                                                Really I love the garden.
                                                Oh no, we can’t make the garden.
                                                It is impossible.
                                                You are right, father.                                   

(ending scene-15)

Scene 16

Ext.—The forestry hill – village, Samtan – Day                                                                                                                                              

Forestry  hills  are  spreading  vastly  

A small village, Samtan and a dark cloudy 
formed a hillock can be seen.
(ending scene-16)

Scene 17

Ext. –village road –day

Five gunmen force to the villagers carrying bags on head.

                                                  Faster, tortoises of Samtan.                    

(ending scene-17)

Scene 18

Ext.- A hut-day

The hut surrounded with a vegetable garden.

A young man
is digging the soil with a spade at the north of the hut.  

An old man
runs from the gate, towards him, give money to him.
                                                                                      Old man
                                                          Manlay, Manlay run, run..Take this, for five
                                                          days working; leave here.
                                                          No, I never charge for my works, I took three
                                                          mangoes, the need only. What happened, uncle?
                                                                                           Old man
                                                           New advertise? Work of no charge…. the monk,
                                                           your father has been killed by the
                                                           Magician’s doctors.
                                                           My father
                                                           I kill the Magician
                                                                                            Old man
                                                           No. You must leave here.
                                                           It’s the last order  of your father for a sensing 
                                                           danger and living awaiting the black tiger,
                                                           the chance to terminate the human trafficker.
                                                           Go, go                    

(ending scene-18)

Scene 19

Ext.—The gate- black cloudy camp - day

This the Magician’s  camp  is a hillock of black mist, 
it stands between two great steep- rocky walls. 
It blocks the only  life line of the village, Samtan.
The gate looks like the mouth of an enormous ghost.

A group of gun men are approaching the gate by 
driving the villagers at gun point.
Two bullock carts loaded with human-dead bodies 
drove out from the gate thrill the villagers.

A boy looks at the bodies fearfully, 
turns to the trembling old man.

                                                   What is this?
                                                   They haven’t eyes like ghosts
                                                                                         Old man
                                                   Their organs: eyes, hearts, kidneys livers etc.
                                                   have been taken out already while alive by
                                                   the doctors of the Magician.
                                                                                             Old man
                                                   For selling to different countries.

They are entering the gate.          
(ending scene-19)

To be continue

The King From Sky-5 The King From Sky-5 Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on June 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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