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The King From The Sky-6

Scene 20

Int.–Operation room-The camp-same time

Outside door of the room, the villagers are sitting 
at gun points of the gun men.
The villagers look fearfully at the Magician coming 
out from the room, sees inside the room: two doctors 
are continuing operation to a man lying on broad table 
and the dead body of the monk is lying on
a table.

The Magician laughs and looks at them.

                                                                       The Magician
                                                    All you are my money plants hi, hi ..           
                                                   I save the lives of wealthy men.                        
(ending scene-20)


Scene 21

Ext.—A tip of hill

Holding a spade Manlay is escaping through 
woods, climbing the hill.

Sweats  are running on face, takes a repose on the tip.
He stands on the tip.

                                              I become  alone now. I could not save him.
                                              He ordered  me to leave.                                                 

From  the top of the hill he notices the 
far eastern  valley.

He looks closely at his spade,  
remembers a talk with the  monk:

                                                   Me, orphan ..why?
                                                   What a life style in this world!
                                                                                  The monk
                                                  Planting trees, only your duty.  
                                                  This spade, the only instrument of life.
                                                  Advertise  yourself as a new life style,
                                                   the labor of without charge. 

He is looking at the spade. His eyes turn 
away from the spade.

Then he sits  down quietly like a hermit.  

                                                    A meadow, I remember it.                                                      
                                                    A  new hope enlightens me now.                 
(ending scene-21)

Scene 22

Int.--The space ship –same time

Alice is looking at the SC (Super computer). 
The 2nd. receiver connects an unknown wave.  
On monitor too  sees a light(wave) comes from 
the Earth. But it decreases and  disappears again.

                                                        A human, who is this?

The screen displays another image, 
the face of the Magician
                                                      Who is this?
                                                     The biggest seller of human organs,
                                                     anti human, a famous Magician
                                                                           (Gazing to the image)
                                                     Okay, I will come to you, one day.                   
(ending scene-22)



Scene 23

Ext.-- The building-courtyard --afternoon

Mr. Grimn,  Laysana’s  father is  sitting in a chair, sees 
a young man who is entering  the  gate  with  a  spade

  ,                                                    Hi, young man
                                                      Who are you?
                                                      What can I do for you?
                                                       Hello father,
                                                       My name is Manlay from Samtan
                                                       I am seeking  job like manual work or labor.     
(ending scene-23)


Scene 24

Ext.—The Top of the building--the big meadow view

The  three, standing  and talking together as 
looking towards the northern vast meadow.

Grlmn turns to Manlay.
                                                       Do you agree  working in the meadow?
                                                       To make up a big garden.
                                                       Yes father, I agree, that is my beloved         

                                                        work. Let me try to extract the said treasures.
                                                        Okay try  your work, good luck.
                                                      But, be careful Mr. Manlay.
                                                      It is dreaded place protected by a big serpent.
                                                      None can set foot there.
                                                                                          (With laughing)
                                                       And  turning to be lunatic?


Grimn has gone.
The young man sees the perfect appearance: 
a thin, ugly forestry land, a little mound surrounded 
by a dirty moat is at the center, trees grow at surrounding  
and herbs grow vastly at central portion.  

The sun sets near the  hill.  
She is endlessly  keeping eyes on  him.

                                                                I have never crossed  such
                                                                 young man like you.

                                                                 I get my job, my duty.
                                                                 It rebirths my life. I will be the maker of the
                                                                 garden …your garden.        
 (ending scene-24)


Scene 25

Ext.-- The meadow – Morning

Manlay  enters the meadow, finds an ancient 
statue/goddess. As standing before it.

                                                                   Oh mother, fulfill my wish.
                                                                    Me forget my parents.
                                                                    Me frolic and display  a simple                                                                      hard worker in your lap.

He begins a survey by  visiting different 
segments and the top of the small mound.        
(ending scene-25)

Scene 26

Ext.-- Top  of  the building.---Day

Laysana  looks at him through a binocular, 
feels panicky and lying hand on chest.  

                                                                Oh, great he is the first
                                                                can a penetrate that area.                                                                          
 She leaves the place.
(ending scene 26)


Scene 27

Ext.-- Meadow  --Day

 He is clearing all the rubbish things and 
demolishing those useless creepers.             
(ending scene-27)


To be continue...

The King From The Sky-6 The King From The Sky-6 Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on June 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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