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The King From The Sky-11

Scene 63                                                                               

Ext-Park –evening

Laysana walks with a girl
                                                                   I  don’t  know,  I’ve
                                                                                 The  girl
                                                                   Well, who is he?
                                                                    Boy  friend?

Then  the girl acts by imitating  and dramatic singing.
                                                                                   The girl
                                                              My heart is enlighten by the 
                                                              image standing with a spade.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

A  sudden laugh burst, as Laysana  runs after girl.                        
(ending scene-63)


Scene 64

Ext.--The  garden- moat- evening

The raft is floating in the water. He is still lying on the raft.
The full moon arises up.
Flowers, trees  and plants are studded  with  water drops 
like diamonds -shooting flashy rays.
The right hand is scratching the flashy and  wavy  water, 
but does not touch a single of weed.  

A  sweet song
of a woman spreading :
Dance up with your
golden  hands.                              
(ending scene-64)

Scene 65

Ext.-Krishna Temple –same time

Audiences are watching a dance drama:
The small boy, Krishna is dancing.

The mother Yasoda continues singing :

Your face enlightens my heart.
Me the mother of you,
Oh Krishna my child.

Krishna sings:
Is the earth heavier?
Mother is the heavier.
Is the sun higher?
Father is the higher.                                  

(ending scene-66)


Scene 67

Ext.-The moat- same time

The raft is floating in the water.
The young man hears the song, 
as lying on the raft.  
                                                              Yes,  very  nice…
                                                              Mother and son…

The full moon is arising in the sky.
The city is brighten with blazing lights.  

The headless serpent   
is swimming in the water at some distance from 
the raft and submerges  slowly under the water.
He tries to awake, can’t, hears a voice
                                                                Are you weeping?
                                                                Remember your mother?

His neck moves, sees nothing                                                                                                                                                                                       
                                                                               Voice (Continue)                                                                                                 
                                                               Your tiresome body and mind
                                                               Thirst the nectar of mother now
                                                                  Who are  you?  
                                                             I am the deity of here. I have been 
                                                               waiting you since a long ago  to see 
                                                               such your work, a beauty.
                                                               You did it all and a mistake too.

                                                                The treasures were  given to you.
                                                                But you didn’t accept it.
                                                                And also you cut the snake’s head.

                                                               I  don’t like the treasures. I like my 
                                                              works and the beauties of human only.
                                                              And the snake attacked me.
                                                               Well, throw  away the thought about 
                                                               your mother.
                                                               Pray  not to submerge this raft.
                                                               It is your mother now.
He does not hear any sound now, feels sleepy.  

The  raft is  being moved circularly by the wind.   
His eyes have closed up well.                            
(ending scene-66)


Scene 67

Ext.-Garden-the moat-Midnight

The raft is floating freely in the water. He is sleeping 
on the raft. Dark clouds begin  covering above the 
garden  again. It is quite still.  

The  flapping wings of bats and the  crying owls  
make a thrill, impact the stillness.  
The  great  headless serpent is  swimming 
rhythmically, comes heading the raft.

He is dreaming: the monk stands before him.
                                               Don’t  you see or hear? The downward 
                                               breathing from The air from hollow walls 
                                               of Samtan, the tardy striding of the peoples, 
                                                the  petals  falling off. Get up now.
                                                Yes father…ah..ah..                                           

He  opens eyes, sees  the thundering and lightening 
above the  garden  and tries to wake up.  
He can’t  move his  neck.  His hand touches something 
coiling his  neck already

                                                              It is the snake uh..

He  begins  about to stop  his breathe.  His neck has been 
coiled fasten  more and  drags him  down the under water.
There  are numerous thundering and lightening just above 
the garden.         
(ending scene-67)





Scene 68

Int.--The spaceship–Midnight.

Alice is sitting  before the Super Computer(SC)                                                                                                                                                                                       
A  new Key  Wave, the small beam of light/wave appears 
beeping, connecting the receiver. 
The gold leaf  (a typical antenna)vibrates.  
Alice sees  the SC beginning its functions effectively.

                                                       It is done! Rebirth SC now.!

She  analyses,  finds: the screen shows 
a new Key  Wave is beeping and 
spreading from the  earth.
                                                       Alice  you asked  the three
                                                      Now the answer comes to you.
                                                      The human!  Where?
                                                     You  will see  him.  And  now
                                                     the  Acid Rain is at hand. We can
                                                     reach  the earth in two years.             
(ending scene-68)

Scene 69

 Ext.-- The Spaceship –same time

The  Spaceship is positioning and heading to the target, 
the  far bluish shining tiny planet. Then it starts to shot.            
(ending scene-69)


Scene 70


The Spaceship is shooting like an arrow  crossing 
the new things and planets.                 
(ending scene-70)

Scene  71                                                                                           Ext.- The –Garden- The moat –Night

Now the sky has been opened now.  Stars are shining.  
The moon lights fall on the water surface  of the moat.  
The raft  is moving slowly.                        
(ending  scene-71)

Scene 72

Ext.-Under water-same time

The  snake  is leaving  his death, breathe less body. 
The surroundings of the body  begin moving, stirring 
to form a muddy  whirl pool which covers the dead body.  
In moments the body and the surrounding
things can’t be seen. He comes out from the stirring dirty  
water,  swims upwards, gets the raft  again.
(ending scene -72)

Scene 73

Ext.-Garden-same time

 He draws up the raft from the water of the moat, 
stands on the land as watching the garden for a while.
                                                  Perfect garden.
                                                  Me going to Samtan now.

He  begins striding  towards  the northern gate 
as  holding the spade  in his right hand, goes to outside
the garden.                                  
(ending scene-73)

Scene 74                                                                                            


The  flight/airplane is approaching, 
flying over the  garden. 
(ending scene- 74)                                                                                               


Scene 75

Int.- Airplane-same time.

 Suddenly Laysana can see a garden.


                                                       Wow..dreamy garden,
                                                       me floating over the sea of              
                                                       flowers!                                                                                                                                                     But I can’t  see him.                                                                                                                                                        
She remembers Manlay, tears fall off
(ending scene -75)

To be continue..                             

The King From The Sky-11 The King From The Sky-11 Reviewed by Multi-Moon lights on August 14, 2019 Rating: 5

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